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Areas, Partial Views and Child Actions in ASP.NET MVC

03 Aug 2023

Developers may organise their applications, build modular components, and improve code reuse by using Areas, Partial Views, and Child Actions in ASP.NET MVC. Let’s examine each of these ideas and how to employ them successfully:

Areas in ASP.NET MVC:

A huge ASP.NET MVC application can be divided up into manageable portions using areas. Within the application, each region represents a different functional area. You may designate several locations for the administration, user dashboards, or public-facing pages, for instance.

Right-click the project, pick “Add,” and then select “Area” from the context menu to create an area. Following that, you can give the region a name and designate a folder structure for it. It will have separate folders for its controllers, views, and models.

Areas facilitate better concern segregation and simplify the upkeep of sophisticated programmes.

Partial Views in ASP.NET MVC:

In order to display a portion of HTML content and C# code in various views throughout the application, partial views are reusable components.

You can build a partial view by adding a new view to the “Views” folder (or a subfolder) and naming it something like “_PartialView.cshtml.”

You can render a partial view within another view using the @Html.Partial or @Html.RenderPartial methods, passing the partial view’s name as an argument.

Child Actions in ASP.NET MVC:

Child actions are controller methods that return partial views. They come in handy when you need to render different elements of a view independently.

To create a child action, define a method in a controller that returns a PartialViewResult. You can use the ChildActionOnly attribute to ensure that the method can only be called as a child action and not directly as an HTTP request.

In your main view, you can call the child action using the @Html.Action or @Html.RenderAction methods, passing the name of the child action and any required parameters.

Advantages of utilising areas, partial views, and child actions

Utilizing areas, partial views, and child actions in ASP.NET MVC provides several advantages that can significantly enhance the development process and improve the overall architecture of your application. Here are some key benefits of using these features:

Modularity and Reusability:

Areas allow you to divide a large application into smaller functional sections, promoting modularity and separation of concerns. Each area can have its own set of controllers, views, and models, making it easier to manage and maintain specific features.

Partial views encapsulate reusable components, such as navigation bars, headers, footers, or widgets. Once created, you can include them in multiple views across the application, reducing duplication of code and promoting reusability.

Organization and Maintainability:

By structuring your application with areas, you create a clear organization that improves code maintainability and makes it easier for developers to navigate and understand the application’s structure.

Partial views and child actions help to decompose complex views into smaller, manageable components. This separation of concerns leads to cleaner code and makes it easier to maintain and update specific parts of a page independently.

Code Separation and Readability:

Areas encourage the separation of different functional parts of the application, reducing code coupling and increasing code readability.

Partial views and child actions enable you to separate the presentation logic from the main view, enhancing the readability and maintainability of the code.

Code Reusability and DRY Principle:

Areas, partial views, and child actions promote the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle, allowing you to reuse code across different areas or views.

Instead of duplicating code for common UI components, you can create partial views once and then use them in multiple views, reducing development effort and avoiding inconsistencies.

Performance Optimization:

By utilizing child actions, you can optimize the rendering of complex views by rendering specific parts of a page separately, reducing the overall load time and enhancing user experience.

Partial views can help optimize rendering performance by allowing you to cache the output of specific components that are unlikely to change frequently.

Enhanced Testing and Debugging:

The use of areas allows for better isolation and targeted testing of specific functional sections, making unit testing and debugging more focused and effective.

Partial views and child actions can be tested independently, making it easier to verify the correctness of individual components.

In summary,, the strategic use of areas, partial views, and child actions in ASP.NET MVC not only fosters reusability, performance optimisation, and increased testing capabilities but also enhances code organisation and maintainability. Building scalable, stable, and modular web applications that are simpler to maintain and develop over time is made possible by these qualities.


Consider the following scenario:

Assume you have an e-commerce site with distinct sections for the product catalogue and the user dashboard. You can construct partial views for common elements such as navigation, headers, and footers and then reuse them across several views inside each section. You can also call a child action in the header partial view to display the user’s shopping basket.

You may improve the flexibility and maintainability of your ASP.NET MVC application by efficiently utilising Areas, Partial Views, and Child Actions, resulting in a more organised and efficient development process.

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