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View in SQL

View in SQL

A view in SQL is a virtual table created from the results of a SELECT query. Views simplify complex queries, encapsulate logic, and provide an abstraction layer over the underlying tables. They can be used to present data in a more meaningful or secure manner than querying the underlying tables directly. Here’s a quick rundown of how to create and use views in SQL:

Creating a View:

The CREATE VIEW statement is used to create a view. The fundamental syntax is as follows:

CREATE VIEW view_name AS

SELECT column_name_1, column_name_2, …

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;

For example, let us create a new table called studentdata using the syntax shown below.

create table studentdata(

sno int,

sname varchar(100),

slocaction varchar(100),

smothertongue varchar(100));

Insert some records as well using the syntax shown below.

insert into studentdata values(1, ‘RAM’, ‘CHENNAI’, ‘TAMIL’)

insert into studentdata values(2, ‘RAJ’, ‘CHENNAI’, ‘HINDI’)

insert into studentdata values(3, ‘RAVI’, ‘HYDERABAD’, ‘TELUGU’)

insert into studentdata values(4, ‘RAJESH’, ‘HYDERABAD’, ‘TAMIL’)

insert into studentdata values(5, ‘RAJIV’, ‘CHENNAI’, ‘TELUGU’)

Select query syntax can be used to display the table records.

SELECT * FROM studentdata

Create a view using the syntax shown below.


SELECT * FROM studentdata

WHERE slocaction = ‘CHENNAI’

Using a View:

After you’ve created a view, you can query it like a regular table with the following syntax:

SELECT * FROM view_name

With reference to the given example,


Updating a View:

You can use the ALTER VIEW statement to update views:

ALTER VIEW view_name AS

SELECT column_name_1, column_name_2, …

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;

In Microsoft SQL Server, you can use the CREATE OR ALTER VIEW statement to replace an existing view or create a new one. This is similar to the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW syntax found in other database systems. Using the preceding example:


SELECT * FROM studentdata

WHERE smothertongue = ‘TAMIL’

Dropping a View:                

The DROP VIEW statement is used to remove a view:

DROP VIEW employee_view;

Thinking back to the earlier illustration:



Multiple Views:

Views enable you to create a virtual table in a relational database based on the results of a SELECT query. You can use JOIN operations in your SELECT statement to combine data from multiple tables in a view. Here’s a general guide to creating a view with multiple tables:

Consider the following scenario: you have two tables: customers and orders. The customers table contains information about customers, and the orders table contains information about the orders that these customers have placed.

— Sample customers table

CREATE TABLE customers (

    CustomerId INT PRIMARY KEY,

    CustomerName VARCHAR(50),

    Email VARCHAR(50)


— Sample orders table



    CustomerId INT,

    OrderDate DATE,

    TotalAmount DECIMAL(10, 2),

    FOREIGN KEY (CustomerId) REFERENCES customers(CustomerId)


Let us also insert some sample records into both tables using the insert query:

INSERT INTO customers VALUES (1, ‘RAM’, ‘ram@mail.com’)

INSERT INTO customers VALUES (2, ‘RAJ’, ‘raj@mail.com’)

INSERT INTO customers VALUES (3, ‘RAVI’, ‘ravi@mail.com’)

INSERT INTO orders VALUES (101, 1, ‘2023/11/02’, 10000)

INSERT INTO orders VALUES (102, 2, ‘2023/11/03’, 12000)

Check it out with the following select query:

SELECT * FROM customers

SELECT * FROM orders

Let’s now create a view that combines data from both tables:

CREATE VIEW CustomerOrderView AS









    customers c


    orders o ON c.CustomerId = o.CustomerId;

The CustomerOrderView view is created in this example by selecting specific columns from both the customers and orders tables. The JOIN clause is used to join rows from both tables using the CustomerId column in common.

After you’ve created the view, you can query it like any other table:

SELECT * FROM CustomerOrderView

Remember that the exact syntax can change based on the database management system (SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.) you are using. Depending on the system you are working with, modify the SQL statements as necessary.

Learn SQL online

Learn SQL online

In our increasingly digital economy, SQL abilities are highly valued. The demand for skilled experts to analyse all that data is increasing along with the number of companies gathering customer information.

An average learner should be able to acquire the fundamentals of SQL and begin using SQL databases in roughly two to three weeks. But you’ll need to become pretty fluent with them before you can start employing them successfully in everyday situations, and that takes time.

SQL is not a conventional programming language, where you would create a series of instructions that would be executed in a specific order. Instead, SQL is a “declarative” language, which means that when you write a query for it, you declare the data you want to get as a result but don’t specify how you want to get it.

SQL is commonly used to create, search for, change, and delete database entries. The more time you invest as a SQL practitioner, the more efficiently and creatively you can use the platform to find the answers your organisation need from the sea of data that is now available.

As we switch between applications, websites, and social media platforms every day, we leave a data trail that is mined by businesses for a variety of purposes. The lack of data analysts, however, renders raw data meaningless.

These experts organise and examine massive data collections using programming languages like SQL. They can then turn this information and correlations into business insights, which in turn can aid organisations in expanding their operations. Every second that goes by, this mountain of data gets bigger, and so does the need for SQL experts. That is the reason why SQL is so common and popular.

SQL is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is used in a range of professions, such as Database administration, Data science, Software engineering, Business analytics and Journalism.

SQL proficiency is required for anyone who deals with data. This language is used by many domains and disciplines to communicate with relational databases.

SQL’s versatility is intended to allow you to query a database in a variety of ways using English-based commands. Because SQL is the most commonly used database language, practically every organisation that needs to store relational data, including big firms like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Uber, Netflix and etc rely on SQL.

SQL is utilised in many different sectors and professions. SQL is still a popular choice for software applications today because it is used by many relational database management systems. SQL offers a wide range of professional applications due to its adaptability and flexibility.

Most programming languages are only used for programming. SQL, on the other hand, is unusual in that it has applications that go beyond standard programming. SQL is used by those in sales and marketing to conduct queries on datasets, which allows them to recognise sales trends and track the success of various marketing campaigns. SQL also has uses in the finance sector. SQL is used by financial analysts to sort through vast amounts of financial data in order to save time. SQL is handy for dealing with vast amounts of structured data.

Top Reasons to Learn SQL:


  • is simple to learn.
  • is an effective troubleshooting tool.
  • is incredibly flexible and standardised.
  • makes it easier to mine your data.
  • makes it simple to combine data sets from many sources.
  • can handle enormous data sets.
  • puts important information at your fingertips.
  • demand is at an all-time high.
  • developers earn a good living.

If you want to learn SQL, the good news is that there are currently a variety of in-person and online learning alternatives accessible for learners of all levels. We have a Training Centre in Karaikudi for people who like to study in a classroom setting. Furthermore, for individuals who prefer virtual learning, we provide online SQL courses, which are a terrific option. All courses include live tuition from a SQL professional.

Online .NET Course


Knowing the most recent technologies and frameworks is crucial in the quick-paced world of software development. One such technology that has shown tremendous growth over time is.NET. The need for knowledgeable.NET developers has increased as firms continue to digitize their processes. Numerous online.NET courses are offered to satisfy this need and equip prospective developers. This essay explores the world of online.NET courses, highlighting their advantages, essential elements, and potential to advance your career.


The Evolution of .NET

Microsoft created the flexible and potent framework known as.NET. It enables developers to create a wide variety of applications, including desktop, web, and cloud-based programmes. Over time, .NET has developed into a strong ecosystem with numerous parts, such as:

  • .NET Framework: The first version of.NET, which was primarily used for Windows applications.
  • .NET Core: An open-source, cross-platform version of.NET that evolved into.NET 5 and then.NET 6.
  • NET: A framework for using .NET to create web apps.
  • NET Core: the ASP.NET’s high-performance, cross-platform alternative.
  • Entity Framework: A database interaction framework based on object-relational mapping.


Advancing Your Career with .NET Skills

The knowledge gained from .NET courses can lead to a wide range of job prospects, including:

  • Software Developer: Use .NET Core to create cross-platform apps, interact with APIs, and implement user interfaces.
  • Web Developer: develop dynamic web applications, integrate databases, and develop responsive user interfaces using ASP.NET Core.
  • Cloud Developer: Create cloud-native applications with .NET on platforms such as Microsoft Azure.
  • Game Developer: Use .NET for game creation using engines such as Unity.
  • Enterprise Solutions Developer: Create and deploy strong enterprise-level applications to improve corporate processes.


Our Training Institute – Maria Academy

With our online course, you can broaden your career opportunities in SQL, C#, and .NET Technology.

We will enthusiastically teach you SQL, C# & .NET. Our trainers will be more interactive, addressing real-world problems and providing solutions. Students will be able to improve their programming skills through hands-on programming. Trainers must have a minimum of six years of experience. The curriculum was created to cover the entire C# learning process. A practical test and periodic exercises will be provided to help students improve their programming skills. By the end of the training, you should be able to provide a solution for a real-world scenario using your programming skills.

In terms of placement, course, syllabus, and practical, we are the best C# .NET Training Providers in India.

We provide .NET Courses both offline (at Chennai and Karaikudi) and online (all over the world).


Benefits of Online .NET Courses

Online.NET classes have the following benefits for learners:

  • Flexibility: You may set your own pace for learning and organise your education around your schedule with online courses.
  • Accessibility: You can access top-notch.NET classes from anywhere in the world, irrespective of your location.
  • Interaction: Discussion forums are a common feature of online platforms, giving students the opportunity to connect with peers and teachers and promote a collaborative learning environment.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: You may be sure that you’ll receive a well-rounded education because reputable online courses cover a wide range of.NET topics.
  • Hands-on Experience: Many courses include hands-on exercises and projects that allow you to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations.


Key Components of an Online .NET Course

  • Introduction to .NET: A comprehensive course starts with an overview of the .NET ecosystem, its history, and its relevance in the modern software development landscape.
  • Programming Fundamentals: Courses delve into programming languages like C# and cover foundational concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, and more.
  • Web Development: For those interested in web applications, courses teach ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.
  • Database Integration: Courses often cover Entity Framework for seamless database interactions, including querying and data manipulation.
  • Project Work: Practical projects allow you to build real-world applications, applying the skills and concepts you’ve learned throughout the course.
  • Deployment and DevOps: Modern development practices emphasize deployment and DevOps. Some courses introduce you to tools and methodologies for continuous integration and deployment.



It is impossible to overestimate the value of ongoing education in today’s technologically advanced environment. Regardless of your existing level of knowledge, online.NET courses offer a practical and efficient way to pick up useful skills. A career in software development can be lucrative and enjoyable if you register in an online.NET course, regardless of your level of programming expertise or desire to broaden your skill set.

SQL Job Support in India

SQL Overview:

SQL is a database management language that includes database creation, database deletion, fetching data rows, modifying, and deleting data rows, and so on.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a computer language used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data from relational databases. SQL was created by IBM Computer Scientists in the 1970s and was adopted as a standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987.

SQL is the industry standard for communicating with Relational Database Systems. SQL is the Standard Database Language used by all Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) such as MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and SQL Server.

Data is everything nowadays. To comprehend this, you must be familiar with data management. SQL is a language that can be used to understand databases. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the name given to a language used to communicate with databases. The SQL language can be used to edit, pull, and add information to a database. SQL is the foundation of relational databases. More information is available in our SQL online job support.

SQL is widely used because it provides the following benefits:

Users can

  • access data stored in relational database management systems.
  • describe the data.
  • define and manipulate data in a database.
  • create and delete databases and tables.
  • create views, stored procedures, and functions in a database.
  • assign permissions to tables, procedures, and views.
  • embed SQL modules, libraries, and pre-compilers within other languages.

SQL Job Assistance:

Do you require SQL Job Support? If you are having trouble completing daily tasks at work due to a lack of practical SQL knowledge, you are most likely looking for an online job support service, which is considered to be the most effective and simplest solution these days. ‘Job Support Online’ offers the best on-the-job support services. No matter what kind of issues you are having with your project tasks, our top IT experts will assist you in dealing with and solving each and every issue on your own. We excel at providing the best on-the-job support services. What exactly are you waiting for? Call today for the best SQL on-the-job support services from anywhere in the world.

Why should you hire our SQL server job support team?

We offer the most effective SQL server job support services. We have built a team of highly experienced and professional IT consultants over the years to provide the best on-the-job support services. Every expert on our team has over a decade of experience in the IT industry, provides professional job support services, and can assist you in completing tasks at your job on time. We aim to provide expert job support to all IT freshers, but we understand that money may be an issue for some. As a result, we charge low prices to make our on-site support services affordable. Furthermore, we work hard to provide the best job support services possible.

Our SQL project assistance programme:

We offer full-time on-the-job support in both online and offline.

We will assign you an expert IT professional to conduct the demo session.

First and foremost, you must explain everything about your project and the technologies used in it to our expert IT professional, and if he/she is satisfied, we will agree to provide you with job support services.

Our IT professionals assist you in managing complex projects on the job.

Fees for job support are non-refundable. So please only pay the fees if you are likely that you require job support services.

Please call us at +91-90427 10472 or +91-95851 77725 for more information on job support and SQL training.

Dot Net Job Support in Chennai, India

Dot Net Job Support

Microsoft’s Dot Net framework is one of its products. Dot Net allows us to create applications such as web applications, mobile applications, and Windows-based applications. This Dot Net framework is used by many organisations to build applications. Many organisations are looking for candidates who have hands-on experience with Dot Net. Marz Technologies, one of our sister concern of Maria Academy, is a group of software professionals with extensive experience in Dot Net Technology, and we offer the best real-time Dot Net projects by experts from Tamil Nadu, India, at a reasonable cost.

Dot Net is an open-source development environment. When comparing Java web frameworks, ASP.Net is far ahead in terms of speed. Dot Net will be a single unified platform for developing applications that will run on all OS platforms as well as devices such as IoT, VLSI, and so on. We provide Dot Net Online Job Support via all mediums such as Zoom, Google Meet, Team Viewer, Webex and so on.


Why do we require Dot Net Online Job Support?

Every software project has a set timeline and its own set of technical challenges. The technical challenges could be the result of a technological upgrade or an increase in project complexity. Freshers with little programming experience land their dream job, only to be confronted with technical challenges and project deadlines. This is when they require job support services from a team of skilled professionals. Job support is beneficial at any stage of your career because even experienced professionals are sometimes unable to complete an assignment on time and with quality due to technical complexity. At that time, everyone requires a mentor who can guide them through their assignment and provide a practical solution.


Who should get Dot Net Online Job Support from us?

Dot Net software developers, Dot Net web developers, freshers, students, experienced IT professionals, and anyone else from around the world who wants to learn and work on Dot Net technology can contact us for mentoring. Marz Technologies offers Dot Net Training by industrial experts from India at a low cost. We will provide certification and tutorials upon completion of the Dot Net course. There are numerous Dot Net job openings in multinational corporations around the world. This is an excellent time for students who want to pursue a career in the Dot Net field. Our consultants will provide Dot Net Project support from start to finish, and you can contact us at any time with questions about Dot Net online project. You can learn everything from the basics to the advanced level here. So that you can handle other related projects with confidence and on time.


 Our Dot Net Job Support Methodology:

Contact us via call or WhatsApp message requesting Dot Net Job support.

Within 24 hours, we will schedule a demo with our Dot Net Job Support consultant.

The first session will be a demo session in which you can tell our consultant about your project and what kind of assistance is needed.

Before the second session, payment for the requested support period must be made.

We will assist you to complete the Job and the work will be kept private.

We would also appreciate your assistance in understanding your project so that we can better assist you.