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Securing ASP.NET Core web application with Identity Framework

Securing ASP.NET Core web application with Identity Framework:

Web application security is more important than ever in today’s world. Identity Framework is one of the tools and features available in ASP.NET Core for securing web applications. Identity Framework is a membership system that provides the user interface, APIs, and features required for the creation and management of user accounts.

In this article, we’ll go over how to use Identity Framework to secure your ASP.NET Core web application.

Step 1: ASP.NET Core Web Application Creation:

The first step is to build an ASP.NET Core web app. You can accomplish this by taking the following steps:

Launch Visual Studio and select “New Project.”

Click “Next” after selecting “ASP.NET Core Web Application.”

Select a project template (such as MVC, Web API, or Razor Pages) and click “Create.”
Step 2: Identity Framework Installation:

Following the creation of the ASP.NET Core web application, the Identity Framework must be installed. You can accomplish this by including the following package in your project:


You can install this package using the NuGet Package Manager or by adding the following line to your.csproj file:

<PackageReference Include=”Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore” Version=”2.2.0″ />

Step 3: Identity Framework Configuration:

The following step is to set up Identity Framework. You can accomplish this by including the following code in the Startup.cs file’s ConfigureServices method:

services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>()



This code instructs Identity Framework to use the IdentityUser and IdentityRole classes as the user and role entities, respectively, as well as the ApplicationDbContext as the database context.

Step 4: Database Creation:

The database will be created next. You can do this by running the following command in the Package Manager Console:


This command will populate the database with the necessary tables.

Step 5: Implement of Authentication and Authorization

The final step is to put authentication and authorization in place. This is accomplished by appending the [Authorize] attribute to the controllers or actions that require authorization. Policies can also be used to implement more complex authorization requirements.

Identity Framework’s SignInManager and UserManager classes can be used to implement authentication.

In Conclusion, we have discussed how to use Identity Framework to secure your ASP.NET Core web application in this article. We went over the steps for developing an ASP.NET Core web application, installing and configuring the Identity Framework, creating the database, and implementing authentication and authorization. You can create a secure ASP.NET Core web application that protects your users’ data and privacy by following these steps.