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Negotiation in Project Management:

Negotiation in Project Management:

Negotiation is a process by which people get into an agreement by avoiding arguments. A good negotiator should always look for a Win – Win situation. Negotiation is the important management skill for any Project manager as they spent most of their time in communication with stakeholders.

Negotiations can occur at any point in the project’s lifecycle and can be formal or informal.

Some basic negotiation skills are

  1. High Emotional Intelligence
  2. Good Listening and Communication
  3. Planning Negotiation Strategy


Project Managers’ Golden Rules to begin as a negotiator

You don’t get what you deserve in business; you get what you negotiate for.

Negotiation success is directly related to the amount preparation that precedes the negotiation.

Prepare Ahead of Time and Know Exactly What You Want. You should have a communication plan before starting the negotiation.

Conflicts are inevitable in meaningful negotiation. People who want to avoid conflict is mostly the loser in any Negotiation.

A good negotiation starts with building rapport with the other party.


Negotiation Processes:

The process of negotiation can be divided into the following phases:

  1. Planning: The gathering of all relevant information required for the discussion.
  2. Debate: The key issues are examined and discussed here.
  3. Proposal: The development of the proposal as a solution to the problem presented
  4. Revision: This can include negotiating compromises prior to formalizing an agreement.


Achieving a Win-Win Outcome:

Almost all negotiations yield the best results when both parties leave with a positive feeling about achieving their objectives i.e., is a win-win outcome.

This ideal situation can be accomplished by the four keys:

  1. Avoid focusing your negotiation on a single issue.
  2. Don’t assume you understand the other party’s requirements.
  3. Recognize that the other party does not have the same needs and desires as you.
  4. Believe point number two in your heart.


Some Successful Business Negotiation Strategies:

  • Be always ready.
  • Listen and understand the issues of other party’s issues and their point of view.
  • Begin the negotiation by making a highball or lowball offer.
  • Set a deadline for your offer.
  • Be respectful and professional throughout the
  • Show that you’re paying attention by using mirroring.
  • Body language can be used to send messages.
  • Recognize the dynamics of the deal.
  • The best alternative for a negotiated agreement should be accepted.
  • You should be ready to “play poker” and to walk
  • Avoid using the unwise tactic of “continuous conceding” when
  • Don’t focus only on the opportunity in front of you and ignore other
  • Don’t get too focused on a single issue.
  • Determine who really makes the
  • Never take a deal at face value
  • Make the proper inquiries.
  • Create a Letter of Intent or Term Sheet to represent your agreement.
  • Obtain the assistance of the best advisors and attorneys.
  • Always create the initial version of the contract.
  • Remember that time is the enemy of many deals.
  • Always Strive for a win-win situation.

Project Management Professional Certification Online Training Chennai

Are you looking to join the best project management professional courses online in India? If yes, you should contact the best management and IT course institutions operating in Chennai, India. In the city, you will find many reputed and verified management colleges or institutions, where you will find the best management courses up to certification, diploma, and degree level. Hence, your decision to join the project management professional certification training courses in Chennai will be right, if you enrol for it from a trusted institution in the city. But, it is recommended to join any management or IT course online in Chennai from websites of recognized institutions only.


Due to Covid-19, it’s been a difficult time for students to go to the schools and institutions for study. However, the trend of online study for students and work from home for employees has to be followed by everyone. At present, many management students in Chennai have started the online PMP certification training courses for students to join the new training classes and sessions online from their websites. The students seeking to join the best PMP training and management courses join online, they should check websites of leading management course institutions in Chennai. On their portals, you will find the best courses for project management professional certification (PMP) and their details to join online. So, interested students can join the PMP certification courses in Chennai and training programs online from trusted institutions in the city.


Advantages of Joining project management professional certification training online in Chennai:


There are several advantages of joining the project management professional certification training courses online in Chennai. Let’s take a look at those advantages as follows:


  1. Recognized Institutions


In Chennai, you will find the best government-approved management and IT institutions, which have accreditation certificates issues the education department in the city. Also, the management institutions have good online reviews, a proven service track record, and a reputation in the industry as well. Hence, the types of courses and training provided by the institutions have recognition all over the world.


  1. Best Management Study and Training Programs


At the trusted management colleges and institutions in Chennai, you will find reliable and authentic PMP courses online and training programs too. The project management professional courses are designed to educate students about the standard duties of a management professional and develop skills to handle the management works of an organization. The institutions in Chennai will also provide practical training sessions for students to educate and perform management duties in the right way.


  1. PMP Courses for All Levels


The reputed management institutions and colleges in Chennai provide all-level PMP management courses for global students. Now, you can join the PMP courses for a certification level, diploma, and degree level online from websites of any recognized management college or institution in Chennai. Also, you will get online classes and training sessions from the industry’s best management professionals. Thus, you can study the best courses and lessons in online PMP courses and training programs offered by the best institutions in Chennai.


Thus, above are some key advantages of joining the best project management professional training and courses in Chennai-based institutions.