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Dot net training in Chennai

Online .NET Course


Knowing the most recent technologies and frameworks is crucial in the quick-paced world of software development. One such technology that has shown tremendous growth over time is.NET. The need for knowledgeable.NET developers has increased as firms continue to digitize their processes. Numerous online.NET courses are offered to satisfy this need and equip prospective developers. This essay explores the world of online.NET courses, highlighting their advantages, essential elements, and potential to advance your career.


The Evolution of .NET

Microsoft created the flexible and potent framework known as.NET. It enables developers to create a wide variety of applications, including desktop, web, and cloud-based programmes. Over time, .NET has developed into a strong ecosystem with numerous parts, such as:

  • .NET Framework: The first version of.NET, which was primarily used for Windows applications.
  • .NET Core: An open-source, cross-platform version of.NET that evolved into.NET 5 and then.NET 6.
  • NET: A framework for using .NET to create web apps.
  • NET Core: the ASP.NET’s high-performance, cross-platform alternative.
  • Entity Framework: A database interaction framework based on object-relational mapping.


Advancing Your Career with .NET Skills

The knowledge gained from .NET courses can lead to a wide range of job prospects, including:

  • Software Developer: Use .NET Core to create cross-platform apps, interact with APIs, and implement user interfaces.
  • Web Developer: develop dynamic web applications, integrate databases, and develop responsive user interfaces using ASP.NET Core.
  • Cloud Developer: Create cloud-native applications with .NET on platforms such as Microsoft Azure.
  • Game Developer: Use .NET for game creation using engines such as Unity.
  • Enterprise Solutions Developer: Create and deploy strong enterprise-level applications to improve corporate processes.


Our Training Institute – Maria Academy

With our online course, you can broaden your career opportunities in SQL, C#, and .NET Technology.

We will enthusiastically teach you SQL, C# & .NET. Our trainers will be more interactive, addressing real-world problems and providing solutions. Students will be able to improve their programming skills through hands-on programming. Trainers must have a minimum of six years of experience. The curriculum was created to cover the entire C# learning process. A practical test and periodic exercises will be provided to help students improve their programming skills. By the end of the training, you should be able to provide a solution for a real-world scenario using your programming skills.

In terms of placement, course, syllabus, and practical, we are the best C# .NET Training Providers in India.

We provide .NET Courses both offline (at Chennai and Karaikudi) and online (all over the world).


Benefits of Online .NET Courses

Online.NET classes have the following benefits for learners:

  • Flexibility: You may set your own pace for learning and organise your education around your schedule with online courses.
  • Accessibility: You can access top-notch.NET classes from anywhere in the world, irrespective of your location.
  • Interaction: Discussion forums are a common feature of online platforms, giving students the opportunity to connect with peers and teachers and promote a collaborative learning environment.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: You may be sure that you’ll receive a well-rounded education because reputable online courses cover a wide range of.NET topics.
  • Hands-on Experience: Many courses include hands-on exercises and projects that allow you to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations.


Key Components of an Online .NET Course

  • Introduction to .NET: A comprehensive course starts with an overview of the .NET ecosystem, its history, and its relevance in the modern software development landscape.
  • Programming Fundamentals: Courses delve into programming languages like C# and cover foundational concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, and more.
  • Web Development: For those interested in web applications, courses teach ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.
  • Database Integration: Courses often cover Entity Framework for seamless database interactions, including querying and data manipulation.
  • Project Work: Practical projects allow you to build real-world applications, applying the skills and concepts you’ve learned throughout the course.
  • Deployment and DevOps: Modern development practices emphasize deployment and DevOps. Some courses introduce you to tools and methodologies for continuous integration and deployment.



It is impossible to overestimate the value of ongoing education in today’s technologically advanced environment. Regardless of your existing level of knowledge, online.NET courses offer a practical and efficient way to pick up useful skills. A career in software development can be lucrative and enjoyable if you register in an online.NET course, regardless of your level of programming expertise or desire to broaden your skill set.

Subquery in SQL

Query: A query is a request for data or information from one or more tables of a database.

Sub Query: In SQL language, we can place a Query inside another Query. This Query which is placed inside another query is called as subquery, also known as Nested Query

Subqueries can be used with SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE statements along with the equality operator or comparison operator such as =, >, =, <= and Like operator.

Subquery must be enclosed in parentheses.

An ORDER BY command cannot be used in a subquery, but the main query can use an ORDER BY. The GROUP BY command can be used instead of ORDER BY in a subquery.


Subquery – SELECT Statement

Consider a Query

Select * from StudentDetails

When this query when executed, selects all rows of the table

Now consider an example with subquery Select

Select * from StudentDetails

where ID in (Select ID from StudentDetails where Percentage > 90);

When this set of queries gets executed,

Always the subquery gets executed first, selects the ID from StudentDetails table whose percentage is greater than 90, And then the outer query gets executed later, selecting the ID equal to the result of subquey


Subquery – INSERT Statement

Now consider an example with subquery Insert

Insert into StudentDetails_new

Select * from StudentDetails where ID in (Select ID from StudentDetails );

Here a new table with StudentDetails_new is created with the same structure as StudentDetails table, now to copy the datas of StudentDetails table to StudentDetails_new table , insert  statement can be used.


Subquery – UPDATE Statement

Now consider an example with subquery update

update StudentDetails

Set mark = mark + 5

Where mark in (Select mark from StudentDetails where mark >= 91);

Here in the table StudentDetails, the mark can be updated with a bonus of 5 marks for those who have scored mark of 91 and above using this update statement.


Subquery – DELETE Statement

Now consider an example with subquery delete

Delete from StudentDetails

Where mark in (Select mark from StudentDetails where mark < 50);

Here in the table StudentDetails, the datas with marks less than 50 can be removed using delete statement.