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Learn DOTNET Core Online

28 Nov 2023

Overview of DOTNET Core: A Contemporary Framework for Cross-Platform Development

Microsoft created the free, open-source, cross-platform DOTNET Core framework to help developers create contemporary, scalable applications. With its modular design and lightweight architecture, it offers a substantial departure from the conventional DOTNET Framework and supports a broad variety of application kinds. We’ll go over the main benefits and features that make DOTNET Core a desirable option for developers in this introduction.


Principal attributes: 

1. Cross-Platform Interoperability: With the help of DOTNET Core, programmers can create and execute apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS. For contemporary development scenarios, where applications must be deployed on various environments, cross-platform support is essential.

2. High-performance and modular: Because DOTNET Core is modular by design, developers can include only the parts that are required for their application. Its modularity makes it perfect for microservices and cloud-native apps because it reduces footprint and speeds up startup times.

3. Community-driven and Open Source: The framework is being developed as an open-source project to encourage community contributions and collaboration. This openness encourages transparency and creativity while guaranteeing that developers can take an active role in the framework’s evolution.

4. Combined Platform for Various Tasks: Cloud-native microservices, cross-platform desktop apps with Xamarin, and web development with ASP DOTNET Core are just a few of the workloads that can be combined into one cohesive platform with DOTNET Core. Because of its adaptability, developers can use the same set of tools and libraries for various kinds of applications.

5. Modern Development Practices Support: DOTNET Core supports contemporary development practices such as Docker containerization, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), and microservices architecture. These characteristics make it ideal for developing and deploying scalable, cloud-ready applications.

6. Comparative Versioning: In contrast to the conventional DOTNET Framework, side-by-side versioning is supported by DOTNET Core. This enables applications to use the version of the runtime and libraries that they were built with by allowing multiple versions to coexist on the same machine.


DOTNET Core components include:

1. DOTNET Core Runtime: The Common Language Runtime (CLR) and Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation are two of the runtime’s key components that are required to run DOTNET Core applications.

2. Core Libraries for.NET: These libraries offer common functionality for applications built with DOTNET Core. They consist of networking, file I/O, data structures, and algorithms, among other things.

3. ASP DOTNET Core: A cross-platform, high-performance framework for creating contemporary, cloud-based, and internet-connected apps is called ASP DOTNET Core. It’s frequently utilized for creating microservices, APIs, and web apps.

4. Entity Framework Core: An open-source, lightweight, and extensible object-relational mapping (ORM) framework is called Entity Framework Core. It makes working with databases using C# objects easier for developers by streamlining persistence and data access.


Getting Started:

Setting up your development environment, starting a new project, and learning the core principles of ASP DOTNET Core are the first steps in getting started with the framework. Here is a step-by-step tutorial to get you started with ASP DOTNET Core web application development.


Step 1: Install Prerequisites

Make sure the following is installed on your computer before you begin:

a.) DOTNET SDK: The DOTNET SDK can be downloaded and installed from the official DOTNET website: Get the DOTNET SDK here.

b.) Code Editor: Select a code editor for your project. Although Visual Studio Code is a well-liked option, you are free to use any other code editor of your choosing.


Step 2: Create a New Project for ASP DOTNET Core

To start a new ASP DOTNET Core project, launch a terminal or command prompt and type the following commands:

# Create a new folder for your project

mkdir MyFirstAspNetCoreApp

cd MyFirstAspNetCoreApp

# Create a new ASP DOTNET Core web application

dotnet new web -n MyFirstAspNetCoreApp


Step 3: Explore the Project Structure

Go to the project folder and examine the project hierarchy. Important documents and directories consist of:

Program.cs: Program.cs is the application’s entry point.

Startup.cs: Startup.cs is responsible for configuring the application’s services and middleware.

wwwroot: Static files (CSS, JavaScript, images) are stored in the wwwroot directory.

Controllers: The controllers that handle requests are listed here.

Views: This collection contains the views that define the user interface.

Models: Contains the data models that the application employs.


Step 4: Run the Program

To build and run the application, use the following command:

dotnet run

Navigate to https://localhost:1001 (or http://localhost:1002) in a web browser. The default ASP DOTNET Core welcome page should appear.


Step 5: Make a Simple Modification

In your code editor, open the project. There is an action method called Index in the Controllers/HomeController.cs file. Modify the ViewBag’s content.Message to another entity. As an example:

public IActionResult Index()


    ViewBag.Message = “Hello, ASPDOTNETCore!”;

    return View();


When you save the file, the web application will reload with your changes.


Step 6: Also, Understand the Fundamentals

Explore the following fundamental concepts:

Routing: Learn about URL routing in ASP DOTNET Core. Route configurations can be found in the Startup.cs file.

Views and Razor Pages: Discover how to make views with Razor syntax. Static files can be found in the Views and wwwroot folders.

Dependency Injection: Learn how to configure dependency injection in ASP DOTNET Core. For service registration, look in the Startup.cs file.

Middleware: Discover the elements of middleware and how the Startup.cs file configures them.

As you gain more familiarity with the fundamentals of ASP DOTNET Core development, you should also think about exploring more complex subjects like database access, authentication, and deployment.


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