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Setting up a Basic MVC Project in ASP.NET

27 Oct 2023

There are various phases involved in creating a simple ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) project. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern that divides an application into three interrelated components: Models, Views, and Controllers. This split aids in code organisation and maintainability. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial for creating a simple ASP.NET MVC project:

step 1 – Install Visual Studio:

Install Visual Studio, a popular programming environment for ASP.NET apps, if you haven’t already. The free Community edition can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

step 2 – Create a New Project:

Make a new ASP.NET project first:

Launch Microsoft Visual Studio.

Click on “File” > “New” > “Project…”

Choose “ASP.NET Web Application” from the “Create a new project” window, then click “Next.”

step 3 – Choose Project Template:

Choose the “ASP.NET Core Web Application” template from the “New Project” dialog box. You have the option to select the target framework, name your project, and designate a location. Press “Create.”

step 4 – Configure Your Project:

Click “Create a new ASP.NET framework web application” in the dialog box.

Choose the project template “Web Application (Model-View-Controller)”.

Select “Create” from the menu.

step 5 – Understanding the Framework:

Controllers: Your controller classes are stored in this folder.

Models: This is the location for your model classes.

Views: The views (HTML templates) for your application are stored in this folder.

wwwroot: This is the location for static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and pictures.

step 6 – Create a New Model Class:

Create a new class in your MVC project for your model. You may do this by right-clicking on the “Models” folder in Visual Studio (or your preferred IDE) and selecting “Add” > “Class.” or “using ado.net data entity model method”.

step 7 – Create a Controller:

You may add a new controller to your MVC project by right-clicking the Controllers folder, selecting “Add” > “Controller,” and then following the wizard to construct a basic controller with actions.

step 8 – Create Views:

Create subfolders for your controller actions in your MVC project’s Views folder (e.g., “Home” for the HomeController). Create Razor views (.cshtml files) for your activities within these subfolders.

step 9 – Configure Routing:

The Startup.cs file configures the default routing for ASP.NET MVC. In the Configure function, you can map URLs to controller actions by configuring routes.

step 10 – Run the Program:

Use the Debug menu or press F5 to launch your application. This will start a web server and show your application on a web browser.

step 11 – Test Your MVC Application:

By visiting the relevant URLs, you can access the actions that you created. As an illustration, if your HomeController has an action called “Index,” you can get it at http://localhost:port/Home/Index.

A simple ASP.NET MVC application setup is shown here. Models, controllers, views, and more intricate routing can all be added to this base as your project requires it. To get additional functionality, you can combine different libraries and frameworks with Entity Framework and utilize it to work with databases.

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